360 Performance Review Template

360-degree performance reviews are a comprehensive assessment process that gathers feedback from multiple sources. Unlike traditional performance reviews, which typically involve only the employee and their direct supervisor, 360-degree reviews incorporate input from peers, subordinates, customers, and other stakeholders.

To achieve best practices in this method please feel free to download our 360 Performance Review Template using the form below.

Some best practices to ensure the effectiveness of your 360-degree reviews may include:

1. Clear Objectives and Expectations:

  • Define goals: Clearly articulate the purpose of the review and what you hope to achieve.
  • Set expectations: Communicate the process, timeline, and expectations for participation to all involved parties.

2. Carefully Select Raters:

  • Diverse perspectives: Choose raters who can provide a variety of perspectives, such as peers, supervisors, subordinates, and customers.
  • Relevance: Ensure that raters have sufficient interaction with the employee to provide meaningful feedback.

3. Develop a Robust Questionnaire:

  • Tailored questions: Create a questionnaire template that aligns with the employee's role and responsibilities.
  • Balanced feedback: Include questions that address both strengths and areas for development.
  • Anonymous feedback: Ensure that raters can provide feedback anonymously to encourage honesty and openness.

4. Provide Training and Support:

  • Educate raters: Train raters on how to provide constructive feedback using templates and to help them avoid biases.
  • Offer support: Provide resources and guidance to help raters complete the questionnaire effectively.

5. Ensure Confidentiality:

  • Protect privacy: Maintain the confidentiality of all feedback to foster trust and open communication.
  • Communicate policies: Clearly communicate the organization's policies regarding confidentiality and data privacy.

6. Facilitate Feedback Sessions:

  • Structured meetings: Schedule one-on-one meetings with the employee to discuss the feedback.
  • Open dialogue: Encourage open and honest discussions about the feedback and areas for improvement.

7. Develop Action Plans:

  • Collaborative planning: Work with the employee to create a personalized development plan based on the feedback using standardized templates.
  • Track progress: Monitor and review the employee's progress against the action plan.

8. Continuous Improvement:

  • Evaluate effectiveness: Regularly assess the effectiveness of the 360-degree review process and make necessary adjustments.
  • Seek feedback: Gather feedback from employees and raters to identify areas for improvement.

9. Foster a Culture of Feedback:

  • Encourage open communication: Create a culture where employees feel comfortable sharing feedback and seeking development opportunities.
  • Recognize and reward: Acknowledge and reward employees for their efforts to improve and develop.

To access our best practice 360 Performance Review Template please complete the form below and it will immediately be emailed to the address you provide:

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Certificate in Performance Management

The Performance Management Certification proves to current and future employers that you have the knowledge and skillset to bring the very best out of the people that you manage. This 100% online course will help you to acquire the skills and tools you need to help your team achieve their greatest potential.

Upon succesful completion of the certification exam you will immediately be issued your electronic Certificate in Performance Management and will also be sent your "Certified Performance Management Professional" logo which you can use to promote your career.

What Topics Are Covered in this Certification Course? 

  • Module 1: Key terminology, acronyms and a basic introduction to the area of performance management. 
  • Module 2: Ensuring that performance metrics align with the organization’s vision, mission, strategy and objectives. 
  • Module 3: Understanding the relationship between performance management and related key activities such as recruitment, compensation and training.  
  • Module 4: Introduction and evaluation of different performance management strategies, techniques, tools and software. 
  • Module 5: Performance management cycle and purpose of the annual performance review. 
  • Module 6: Creating performance and development plans (including the provision of templates). 
  • Module 7: Appraisals: preparing for and carrying out. 
  • Module 8: The role of the team leader in achieving high performance. 
  • Module 9: Key characteristics of a high performing team and the stages of group development. Identifying core behaviors that drive high performance.  
  • Module 10: Nurturing a performance culture.  

Who is this performance management course for?

The training course and certification is for anyone involved in managing direct reports and teams. The course is primarily for those involved in business and industry but is also relevant for those in government, charity and other bodies.  

What are the benefits?

Learn best practices in helping your team achieve their greatest potential. Become recognized in your company as an expert in managing team performance. Advance your career by becoming a Certified Performance Management Professional.  

How is it delivered?

The Performance Management Certificate course is delivered 100% online, including the exam. You will have up to six months to complete the 15-hour course which is comprised of video tutorials, case studies and e-books. Our goal is to educate and certify so you will have up to six attempts to pass the exam. 

Let's Get Started

The course typically takes 15 hours to complete so you could become a Certified Performance Management Professional over a single weekend!


Performance Management Certification